
Trying to Feel Better

"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace." - Milan Kundera

It's been a tough week for the Pony and I. Champ was wearing a muzzle that was a little too large for him and when he hit with the muzzle on it jammed under his eye. Poor guy has the equivalent of a black eye complete with broken blood vessel. It looks terrible! The white of his eye is bright red. I took him to the vet out of guilt and to insure no damage was done to his vision (there wasn't). I hate that he got hurt though. He's such a pure and happy creature, I wonder if I should be putting him through this extra training.

Life on the human side is pretty crazy and it's hard to know what the right things to do are. I'm falling back on my same old philosophy for this year - sit tight, wait and see. Also the effort of positive thinking and trying to feel better helps. So in that spirit here is an older photo of Champ that we took one day when Auntie Donn was feeling sick and down. It came out better than expected and sits on a few desks in my office to remind us all to

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